Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why is my picture discolored?

... any ideas about what to type next? Anyone?

Ok, well then in that case, I'll simply have to make like a snow plow and charge through the empty white space of this currently empty post and leave a bread crumb trail of thoughts behind me. God willing, they will help me find my way home, and if not me, possibly you, my reader.

The stereotype of starving artist: Let us talk about this subject rationally. I present you to you the formula for being a well compensated artist. (Notice I did not say "successful artist" as "success" is defined on an individual basis.) Novelty X Audience size X Emotional response of Audience divided by the time it takes to reproduce the performance = $. I will define Novelty as the product of Effort X Rehearsal X Talent. The final formula for a well compensated artist is then: (N^2 x Aud x Rspn) /time to reproduce performance = $ where N = E x R x Tal. Effort is to be expressed on a scale of 0 to 10; Rehearsal is expressed in days; and Talent is to be expressed on a scale of 0 to 100. Audience must be expressed in whole numbers, and Response must be expressed on a scale of -100 to 100; and reproduction time must be expressed in days.


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