Monday, January 11, 2010

getting under way on a new year

I had a great time over Holidays with family and friends. I was not able to see as many people as I was hoping to see, but... such is life.
For those of you who dont already know, I am going to be uncle coming up. What you may not though is that I am going to have a little niece as well as a little nephew. Let the world be warned! Trouble is on the way... and it is going to be adorable (at first) ;-) By now I think the shock is wearing off on Sherri and Nick and has been replaced by joy and extreme dread--the kind of joy and dread that you get the first time you jumped off the high-dive at the pool. "YAY, I'm finally cool! I jumped off!/OMG I'M FALLING!
HEhehehe.... I really hope they don't stop at two. It would be a shame, since they seem to be good at this. Course I have to be careful of my motivation. It may be nothing more than my desire to be entertained by their struggles that makes me want this not to be end, that or the unrequited desire to have had a younger brother. Either way... it's my own selfishness. Oh well :-) . So I will have a nephew named Brighten and a niece named Ethnie (I dont know if I spelled either correctly).
So as I told Justin earlier today, this year is and will be trying with its new challenges and exciting with its new possibilities. It will be one for the books :D